DJ mixers are typically designed with small, standard knobs, each exactly alike. They can present some significant challenges for people with disabilities and certainly don't help beginners understand the different functions of each unit.
Accessible Beat addresses this by designing ergonomic knobs that allow more flexible and inclusive ways to interact with DJ equipment.
Innovative software such as Rhino 3D allows to create new, never-before considered shapes. Not every button and knob is tackled in the same way which is what I kept in mind while creating these negatives.
The key challenge though, was to design knobs for various kinds of physical abilities while always ensuring compatibility with standard DJ mixers.
Here you can see some of the shapes I created. Some of them are large and allow a bigger range of access, some are smaller and address the request for individualization. Even an experienced musician benefits from adjusting their instrument to their specific practice. 
I was happy to receive from beginner users and professionals alike. Small changes like these can really improve accessibility for DJ equipment, enabling more inclusive and diverse music creation. 
Knobs for using the heel of the hand (no need to apply the fingers)
Knobs for two-finger use (no need to apply the thumb)
Through this project, I'v learned a lot about how to integrate inclusive design principles into my work and how 3D printing can be put to use to solve accessibility issues. Future improvements could include more durable materials.
What I appreciate a lot about this production design process is that it’s so effective: from the first insight into what the customer wants to the final product - much faster than industrial manufacturing. 
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